Happy 2009!
Friday, January 02, 2009 at 9:26 PM
Yay! Welcome to 2009 everybody. A new year, a new start. Well, I wish everyone to have great health and that this year would be a fruitful and enjoyable one. To my friends, thank you for being my friend for another year and hope that it will be on going forever. :) May we get to know each other even more for those whom I just know and for those I've known for a long time, lets bond even more :)
To my family, I thank God that we've bond together so much and I hope we'll be even closer this year! You all have been a support to me. You're loved, every single one of you! :D
Went to school reluctantly today. I was really very tired. Haha. But it was fun the 2 days over at Ali's place, having fun and spending the new year together :) Had great fun!
To my family, I thank God that we've bond together so much and I hope we'll be even closer this year! You all have been a support to me. You're loved, every single one of you! :D
Went to school reluctantly today. I was really very tired. Haha. But it was fun the 2 days over at Ali's place, having fun and spending the new year together :) Had great fun!
Ali, Me, Gloria and Jane :)

& again :D
Partied like crazy. We didnt sleep for a day! Look at all the blur looks. Oh, and we Wii-ed at Ali's place! It was really really fun! We even played retarded games. Like choosing the biggest card and see who gets the smallest. The smallest has to sniff pepper! Hahaha. Spent New Year's eve with my secondary school mates. Sd, Cj, Weilong, Qian, Sam and Justin.

Oh yea, I didn't spend my christmas eve at my grandma's and enjoying everybody in their retro geek suit. ): I was sick, really sick. Had stomach flu and a continuous fever. Sick for 5 days and I really was quite upset I couldn't enjoy christmas. But its ok la. Thank God Im ok already and to those who cared, thank you! :) Thank you people for all of your presents. Still owe Qian and Dion their christmas presents! Shall get it soon. Oh and I have a telepathic weirdo friend. My weirdo friend is really nice and this is a friend whom I've known from overseas. I think its really really cool :D heeee. May we continue to be telepathic weirdo friends and that we can bond even more. Alright, thats all. Take care everybody. Shall update soon! :)
Labels: Happy new year